Widespread Body Pain Often Linked To Lack Of Sleep

Depriving your body of sleep can lead to some very serious—and surprising—health effects, including widespread pain, which is a primary feature of fibromyalgia. According to recent research from Great Britain, poor or insufficient sleep was actually the strongest predictor for pain in adults over 50. Poor sleep can actually impact virtually every aspect of your…

Your Amazing Electrical Body

Your body is capable of generating electricity, and this ability is actually a key part of your achieving health. Electricity allows your nervous system to send signals to your brain and are essential for full body communication and health. The messages conducted via electrical signals in your body are responsible for controlling the rhythm of…

All Hail The Mighty Avocado

Did you know that avocado is one of the best food you can possibly eat? It is good for you for about a million reasons: -They are rich in monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy. -They are high in potasium and balance potassium/sodium ratio. -They inhibit inflammation caused by protein consumption. -They help…

Key Factors to Overcoming Depression

Now is the time of the season when people who are usually not depressed get the “winter blues”, “cabin fever”, etc. Sadly, over 25% of my patients suffer with depression all year round. However, there is a very esy solution to depression in MOST cases. There’s no doubt in my mind that radically reducing or…


One of my greatest joys in practice is working with the senior citizen population and helping them get more years out of there life, and kore importantly, get more life and enjoyment out of their years. So what is the secret to living a longer and healthier life? There is no quick fix, when it…


Tis The season again for colds and flu’s and therefore the commonly asked question of “should I get the flu vaccine?”. As a scientist and a doctor I go entirely off research and statistics when answering serious health related questions for my patients… and the research shows that the flu vaccine is ineffective, does not…